Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Name | string |
Required |
VideoPlaceholderUrl | string |
None. |
FormType | WebFormType |
None. |
FormLayout | WebFormLayout |
None. |
DisplayFrequency | WebFormDisplayFrequency |
None. |
NumberOfVisits | integer |
None. |
RedirectUrl | string |
None. |
CountryId | string |
None. |
FormTriggerTypes | WebFormTriggerTypes |
None. |
NumberOfSecondsOrPercentage | integer |
None. |
Form | FormViewModel |
None. |
Video | VideoViewModel |
None. |
Background | ElementBackgroundStyleViewModel |
None. |
ElementBorderStyle | ElementBorderStyleViewModel |
None. |
Button | ElementButtonStyleViewModel |
None. |
Media | ElementMediaPropertiesViewModel |
None. |
FieldsStyle | ElementFieldsStyleViewModel |
None. |
IsFormSkip | boolean |
None. |
FormSkipMessage | string |
None. |
RequireDoubleOptIn | boolean |
None. |
RequireAgeConfirmation | boolean |
None. |
ConfirmationAgeOnOptin | integer |
None. |
MaxTextMessageFrequency | integer |
None. |
GreetingSendTypeOnDoubleOptIn | DoubleOptinGreetingSendType |
None. |
OptInContactCategory | NewOptInContactCatgories |
None. |
OptInListIds | Collection of string |
None. |
OptInListDetails | Collection of OptInGreetingSummary |
None. |
GreetingSendType | GreetingSendType |
None. |
PrimaryEmailGreeting | EmailGreetingViewModal |
None. |
SecondaryEmailGreeting | EmailGreetingViewModal |
None. |
PrimaryTextGreeting | SMSGreetingMessageViewModel |
None. |
SecondaryTextGreeting | SMSGreetingMessageViewModel |
None. |
PrimaryTextGreetingActions | Collection of ActionsViewModel |
None. |
SecondaryTextGreetingActions | Collection of ActionsViewModel |
None. |
DefaultEmailTemplateSettings | EmailTemplateViewModel |
None. |
DefaultSmsTemplateSettings | SmsTemplateViewModel |
None. |
SmsTemplateFromName | string |
None. |
TimeZoneDetails | Collection of TimeZoneResponseModel |
None. |
IsActive | boolean |
None. |
IsAccountActive | boolean |
None. |
Social | SocialMediaSummaryViewModel |
None. |
Terms | string |
None. |
AnyResponseAction | Collection of ActionsViewModel |
None. |
OnOpTinAction | Collection of ActionsViewModel |
None. |
NoResponseAction | Collection of ActionsViewModel |
None. |
WebFormInterestActions | Collection of ActionsViewModel |
None. |
HasMobilePagesInAccount | boolean |
None. |
HasOffersInAccount | boolean |
None. |
TinyBaseURL | string |
None. |
OutboundNumbers | Collection of OutboundNumbersDetail |
None. |
AccountLocalTimeZoneInfo | AccountTimeZoneResponseModel |
None. |
ActiveAndInActiveAutomationSequences | Collection of AutomationSequenceDetailResponseVM |
None. |
CountriesAndStates | Collection of CountriesAndStatesResposneVM |
None. |
CreditsPerSMSSegment | decimal number |
None. |
CreditsPerMMSSegment | decimal number |
None. |
AccountId | string |
None. |
ContactIds | Collection of string |
None. |
LastContactAddedDate | date |
None. |
Id | string |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
UpdatedDate | date |
None. |
CreatedBy | string |
None. |
UpdatedBy | string |
None. |
CreatedByUserId | string |
None. |
UpdatedByUserId | string |
None. |
IsDeleted | boolean |
None. |