Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
AccountId | string |
Required |
Name | string |
None. |
ScheduleStartDate | string |
None. |
ScheduleEndDate | string |
None. |
NumberOfBatches | integer |
None. |
BatchIntervalLength | integer |
None. |
BatchIntervalType | IntervalType |
None. |
ResendWaitIntervalLength | integer |
None. |
ResendWaitIntervalType | IntervalType |
None. |
RecurringStopType | RecurringStopType |
None. |
RecurringStopAfterIntervalLength | integer |
None. |
SendOnSpecificDays | DaysOfWeekViewModel |
None. |
IsResendWait | boolean |
None. |
IsSendOnSpecificDays | boolean |
None. |
IsBatchSplitIntoBatches | boolean |
None. |
ReminderIntervalType | IntervalType |
None. |
ReminderIntervalLength | integer |
None. |
IsEnableSmartReminder | boolean |
None. |
IsSmsCampaign | boolean |
None. |
IsEmailCampaign | boolean |
None. |
IsVoiceCampaign | boolean |
None. |
DynamicContactSelection | ContactSelectionType |
None. |
SendLocalTimeForEachContact | boolean |
None. |
SendNowWithinDayTime | boolean |
None. |
SmsTemplate | SmsTemplateViewModel |
None. |
EmailTemplateSettings | EmailTemplateViewModel |
None. |
VoiceTemplate | VoiceTemplateViewModel |
None. |
CampaignContactConditions | CampaignContactsWithCategoryConditionsViewModel |
None. |
SMSBuilderComponents | Collection of BuilderComponentViewModel |
None. |
EmailBuilderComponents | Collection of BuilderComponentViewModel |
None. |
VoiceBuilderComponents | Collection of BuilderComponentViewModel |
None. |
InterestIds | Collection of string |
None. |
ListIds | Collection of string |
None. |
SmartListIds | Collection of string |
None. |
KeywordIds | Collection of string |
None. |
WebFormIds | Collection of string |
None. |
MobilePageIds | Collection of string |
None. |
ContactTypeIds | Collection of string |
None. |
TagIds | Collection of string |
None. |
ContactIds | Collection of string |
None. |
CampaignCreatedFromModule | CampaignCreatedFromModule |
None. |
Status | CampaignOrRemidnerStatus |
None. |
ScheduleType | ScheduleType |
None. |
SendMultipleMessagesToContact | boolean |
None. |
EmailRouteOrder | integer |
None. |
SmsRouteOrder | integer |
None. |
VoiceRouteOrder | integer |
None. |
IntervalLength | integer |
None. |
IntervalType | IntervalType |
None. |
TimeZoneId | string |
None. |
ScheduledDate | date |
None. |
RecurringStopDate | date |
None. |
SelectOnDateAndDoNotUpdateLater | date |
None. |
QueueInprocessTime | date |
None. |
QueueProcessStatus | QueueProcessStatus |
None. |
Id | string |
None. |
CreatedDate | date |
None. |
UpdatedDate | date |
None. |
CreatedBy | string |
None. |
UpdatedBy | string |
None. |
CreatedByUserId | string |
None. |
UpdatedByUserId | string |
None. |
IsDeleted | boolean |
None. |